Frisbee: New

Kevin Cook shows how to throw a frisbee the right way, and the steps are as follows. First, you have to know how to stand. If you are right-handed, you pivot in your left and step on your right. If you are left-handed, you pivot on the right and step on the left. The first throw he taught is the Backhand. You come into a stance. Place your fingers to wrap around the disk. Step out right foot, then release the disk with a slight flick. The second throw was the Flick. Place the index finger and...

In this how-to video, you will learn how to throw a frisbee in a comedic fashion. Many frisbees come in different weights, although this should not matter too much as these frisbees are usually made of light weight plastics. First, hold the disc and set them completely under the frisbee with the thumb at the side. Use your index and point it. Now, place the index finger so it is on the rim. Now, hold the frisbee in a chicken wing fashion. Once this is done, toss it to wherever you want...

In this how-to video, you will learn how to throw a frisbee golf disc. There are two types of throws: backhands and forehands. The back hand is thrown with the thumb on the top of the disc and the fingers grabbing the interior rim. The palm rests on the outside rim. Follow through from one foot the other. A forehand throw is thrown with the thumb on the top of the disc and the middle finger against the rim. Right hand throws should have there right foot back and rock forward on release. ...

Freestyle Frisbee is sport and performing art in which athletes utilize several different flying disc throwing maneuvers using a Frisbee. Learn to perform several throws and tricks in freestyle Frisbee from a freestyle Frisbee champion in this free video series.

Knowing proper stretches, forehand and backhand throws will take a player's freestyle Frisbee to new heights? Learn how to do forehand and backhand freestyle Frisbee throws from a world champion in this free sports video series.

Frisbee tricks and techniques such as brushes are good for freestyle Frisbee and Ultimate Frisbee. Learn Frisbee brushes in this free video series on Frisbee tricks and techniques featuring a world champion freestyle Frisbee player.

Freestyle Frisbee exhibits many trick catches and throws, taking competitions to the world stage. Learn how to catch a Frisbee from a freestyle world champion in this free Frisbee video.

Are you ready to take your Frisbee throwing to new heights? Learn how to do freestyle Frisbee nail delays and sets from a world champion in this free sports video series.

how to
How to Throw a flying disc Brad Keller demonstrates how to throw a flying disc. The key is that whoever has the most fun wins. You need to throw the disc flat other wise you will miss your target.

how to
How to Throw a frisbee Canadian expert shows how to throw Frisbee. Starting with the basic backhand and then progressing to an underhand throw and the hammer throw.

how to
How to Play disc golf In this how-to video series, learn how to play disc golf from expert disc golfer C.R. Willey. C.R. will teach you what you need to know to get started playing disc golf, with tips such as what equipment you need, what accessories are good to buy for playing disc golf, and how to play with proper disc golf etiquette.

If you are one of those individuals that are looking to enhance your Frisbee abilities, this video series is perfect for you. Steve Blank shows you how to do a variety of throws and catches. He shows you traditional Frisbee throws.

Patrick Kitten discusses different disc types for beginning disk golfers in this series of videos.

how to
How to Play ultimate frisbee In this how-to video series, learn how to play Ultimate Frisbee from Ultimate Frisbee player David Gelber. David will teach the rules of Ultimate Frisbee, what equipment you need to play Ultimate Frisbee, how to throw a Frisbee with a backhand throw, how to throw a Frisbee with a flick throw.

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How to Catch a flying disc Brad Keller demonstrates how to catch a flying disc. You should start by doing the alligator catch. You can practice catching by setting yourself up.

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How to Do flying disc tricks Brad Keller explains some flying disc tricks. First, you have to know how to throw and catch the disc. You can also learn how to spin the disc.

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How to Play guts frisbee In this video series, watch as professional Guts Frisbee player Ryan Scott teaches how to play Guts Frisbee. Learn the history of Guts Frisbee, the rules of the game, defense strategies, how to play different positions for guts frisbee, and learn different grips and throws like: the fish hook, the steaker, the California power throw, the back hand, the forehand, the flipper and the thumper.

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How to Play disc golf In this video series, learn how to play disc golf. Justin Lentz shows you some tips and techniques to improve your disc throwing abilities. Justin talks about the history of disc golf, and he gives you some pointers for finding disc golf courses. Justin also shows you a variety of throws and tosses. So, what are you waiting for? Start learning how to play disc golf today!